About my work

Sacred and healing

The practice of burning incense (smudging) has been used for thousands of years for sacred, ceremonial, and healing purposes. It is performed in all cultures and is an ancient, holy tradition.

In the smudging ritual, the invisible and hidden can reveal themselves, entanglements and patterns can be released, and healing can occur.

The ritual burning of incense is capable of cleaning and clarifying spaces and burdened energy fields.

I guide you calmly and clearly into your own inherent power and wisdom using the power of sacred plant smoke.

Blocked and stagnant energy and patterns are recognized and moved by me, so that you can return to a harmonious flow.

I occasionally dream of plants and have allied myself with the plant kingdom with heart and soul. They show me the way into the depths of the human soul."

About me


My name is Biljana Sabally.


I have been dedicated to the study of incense for 20 years and have been practicing it professionally for 12 years.

'Biljana,' my first name, comes from the Slavic region and from the word 'biljka,' which means plant.

Nomen est Omen!
My greatest wish is to touch your heart with my words and the power of plants, and for our encounter to be a healing exchange that brings clarity, transformation, and harmony into your life.

Currently, I live in Oberwil-Lieli AG in Switzerland- it's  a wonderful place with lots of sun!

My elements are air and fire.

I sweep through the world like a fresh wind and ignite the light in people with my clarity, enthusiasm and inspiration.
In my free time, I enjoy reading, painting, dancing, yoga, art, friends, family, and traveling.


In the swiss mountain world, I feel very free and safe. So close to the sky! This clarity and freshness! I love the pure and fresh energy of the mountains and forest and I am so exited about the precious treasures of the plant kingdom.


The water in all it's forms touches my soul...what could be more beautiful than looking at a sea, a river, a lake or sitting next to a waterfall?

My daugther helps me sometimes to collect herbs and resins.

Children are especially close to my heart. I worked as a kindergarten teacher for 20 years.


Herbalism is in our family. My mother has a beautiful garden with wonderful herbs that I need for my ritual work.

She also joyfully and wholeheartedly collect and helps me process the plants.


With the power of plants and my intuition , I want to bring clarity, healing power, love and harmony to your living spaces and inner spaces!


Please contact me for further information about clearing your living space or work 1:1 and clearing your aura.

Any sessions can be hold in english.


With love and dedication



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